2014년 10월 27일 월요일

About vegetaraian (midterm writing project)

Topic: Vegetarian

Audience / Academic or Non-academic: People who consider vegetarian as odd person

Purpose: I want to let people know about vegetarian and have no prejudice.

Evaluate the topic:

1. Description: Definition of vegetarian

2. Types of vegetarian: semi vegetarian, vegetarian, vegan etc...

3.  Reason of being vegetarian: prevent animal killing, religion, health


1 .Your overall opinion of the topic: Admit that just a little they are different from us. Not they are wrong. If it is extreme, it can be bad. Do not have prejudice to vegetarian, Eat eggs
2. Main reasons for your recommendation/non-recommendation:
Person is most important than anything

1.   Description
1-1.     Description : Definition of vegetarianism
The earliest records of vegetarianism come from ancient India and ancient Greece in the 5th century B.C.E. In India, this idea was connected with idea of nonviolence toward animals. In Greece, it was connected with medical or ritual purification purposes. Vegetarians are people who abstain from the consumption of meat – sea food, flesh of any other animal. Sometimes they also abstain from by-products of animal slaughter

1-2.     Types of vegetarian
There are lots of standard defining vegetarian. I’ll explain one of the types to you.
This word is used to describe people who abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the exception of fish. Although the world is not commonly used, more and more people are adopting this kind of diet, usually for health reason.
Although you don’t want to be vegetarian, yet you love vegetarian food. It is the definition of Flexitarian. Flexitarian is used to describe those who eat meat occasionally. Especially fish. For the health reason, people have given up red meat.
When most of people think of vegetarian, they think of lactovegetarian. Lactovegetarian dose not eat beef, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish and animal flesh of any kind, but lactovegetarian eats eggs and dairy products, such as milk, cheese.
Vegans do not egg any kind of meat and even eggs, dairy products, processed foods containing. Vegan also avoids not only foods, but also non-food products, such as leather, fur and wool.
   Raw Vegan
Raw vegan eats only unprocessed vegan foods that have not been heated above 46 degrees Celsius. Raw vegan also insists Foods be cooked above this temperature have lost a significant amount of their nutritional value and are harmful to the body.
The macrobiotic diet includes unprocessed vegan foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables in specific proportions. Also they occasionally eat fish. Sugar and refined oils are avoided. The most unique character is its emphasis on the consumption of Asian vegetables, such as daikon, and sea vegetables, such as seaweed

1-3.     Reason for being vegetarian
There is plenty of reasons for begin vegetarian.
   First reason is health.
In western medicine, patients are sometimes advised to adhere to a vegetarian diet. Vegetarian diets have been used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

   Second one is fear of illness.
The consumption of meat can cause a transmission of a number of diseases from animals to humans. The connection between infected animal and human illness is well established in the case of salmonella. One-third to one-half of all chicken meat marketed in the United States is contaminated with salmonella.
    Third one is religion.
Many religions forbid eating meat or specific animal.
For example, Buddhism in general does not forbid eating meat. But in several Sanskrit texts of Mahayana Buddhism, Buddha instructs his followers to avoid meat. Chinese Buddhist branches do not eat meat
Like that, although they are in same religion, they are instructed differently.
Hinduism thinks vegetarian is ideal. Jainism believes that all living organisms have a soul. There are lots of people vegetarian Jainism.
   Other reasons
Economics, Labor conditions, Environment, Ethics of killing..
There are lots of reasons why people become vegetarian.
Some people think animals can feel pain and have their own soul. Whatever the reasons are, nowadays people try to become vegetarian.

2.   Expression

As many people, I used to have prejudices against vegetarian people. I thought vegetarian food was tasteless, inconvenient and unhealthy. Whenever vegetarians try to have a meal at the restaurant, they usually have a hard time choosing the menu. Even worse, their menu is always the same, they eat the same food again and again.

However, my mind has changed since I met a friend who has been a vegetarian for 6 years. She has three reasons for being vegetarian. 1st reason is ethics about killing animals for meat. After she became a vegetarian, she felt her conscience is clear. On top of this, being a vegetarian is more ecological. Indeed, the amount of resources (oil, electricity, transport cost) to breed animals is more important because they have to be fed for several months with plants before being slaughtered. As a result, eating vegetables and fruit directly requires less energy. I personally respect this opinion. I think this way of thinking is logical and responsible.
Last but not least, since she has been a vegetarian, my friend has not felt sick. She told me she always feels healthy, even if I thought such a diet is not balanced. Maybe you know vitamin B12 is essential to our nervous system, because it is not generally present in plants and is naturally found in foods of animal origin. Lactovegetarian can obtain B12 from dairy products and eggs, and vegans can obtain it from fortified foods (some soy products, yeast extract) and injection. But vegans cannot get vitamin 12 easily from fortified food.

So I think that, as long as you are not a vegan, being a vegetarian is a balanced diet.
To conclude, my opinion on vegetarians has changed.Do not have prejudice. And I recommend you having a meal with vegetarian, it might be an enriching experience, even if you don’t plan on having such a diet on a regular basis. 

댓글 1개:

  1. Wow I thougt all the vegeterians are just same. I am so surprised that there are 'types' in vegeterians. I think the vegeterians are just so amazing and have absolutely no prejudice against them. However, I don't think I my self can be a vegeterian ever... it is such a cruel task for me.
