2014년 11월 30일 일요일

Team project

Our goal is to inform people of team project difficulties. So we divided our roles in the play as follows. I am the team leader. There is a very eager person who is naive. There is a very vicious woman who always tries to use her coworkers. The last one is an indifferent person who is not showing any interest in the project. We, these 4 people, gather for a team project. We acted our own roles.
Except for that, in our real team project, my real role was writing the script with Suhyun.
Seungwoo and Beyong-uk will edit our video.
You can see our own acting !

댓글 5개:

  1. Wow I've never thought of style of "play". What a creative method to show people the information you want to tell. I've always thought of difficulties of doing team project and this subject will definitely be very friendly to many students. If you speak louder so that everyone can listen, it will be the best.

  2. I think it will be so fun! Actually, everyone in our class know difficulty of team project. Recently days, it is big issue for university students, because so many people do them role very roughly. I really expect to your video.

  3. It is interesting that all of your team take each role of team project. I can't wait to see your team's acting. I think if you acts well and expressing a emotion well, It will be very fun to everyone.

  4. I had a same experience what your team is planning to make. In my opinion, it is inevitable case for team work to be done with a lot of communication and evident rule to control the whole process of work. I hope your team's movie can give a great impression for our real life story and a solution for this everyday problem of team project.

  5. Wow you guys really do act? I expect your team‘s video very much! When your team make a sciript, each of characters have its own clear feature, it will be more fun and can understand more easily. Also if your video arouses viewers sympathy, it will be perfect. Good luck!
