2014년 11월 30일 일요일

Team project

Our goal is to inform people of team project difficulties. So we divided our roles in the play as follows. I am the team leader. There is a very eager person who is naive. There is a very vicious woman who always tries to use her coworkers. The last one is an indifferent person who is not showing any interest in the project. We, these 4 people, gather for a team project. We acted our own roles.
Except for that, in our real team project, my real role was writing the script with Suhyun.
Seungwoo and Beyong-uk will edit our video.
You can see our own acting !

2014년 11월 5일 수요일

Rountine days

I was trying to find meaningful 5 pictures. At sudden, i was curious about the definition of meaningful. I was led to idea that the video would be posted at my blog and show something about me. So i chose the theme  about my routine work.
Enjoy the video please~