2014년 9월 28일 일요일

Kinds of bees and their roles

Albert einstein said "If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live"
Like this, Beesa are insects that play an important role in pollinating flower. Also Bees are important in ecosystem. I'll tell about bee reproduction.
There are three kinds of bees. Queen bee, drone bees, worker bees.
Interestingly the worker bees are female, and the drone bees are male.

One of the strongest female bee becomes queen. The queen bee has reservoir that contains sperm of male bee.

The job of male bee is only mating. If male bee give sperms to queen bee, they soon die. The queen bee lays egg using preserved sperm. when the egg is hatched, worker bees(female) are born. The queen bee has hormone that keep worker bee from mating. So worker bees only do the work.

If all preserved eggs are used, queen lays eggs that become drone bees(male) and they mate again.

Like this, each bees have role and they consists of their society.
If Old queen bee becomes too weak to make a hormone, female bees can mate.
Then the strongest female bee becomes new queen.

This is reproductive system in bees society

Thank you~

2014년 9월 23일 화요일

Hi I'm myeonghoon kim

Hi I'm myeonghoon kim from South Korea. Korea is located on the Korean Peninsula in North-East Asia. I'm 23 years old now. I'm the 4th year student majoring in bio-engineering at Hanyang university.
Because of the university, I'm living in Seoul since 20 years old. Before then i lived in Gwangju which is famous for biggest bus terminal in Korea.
One of my favorite korean food is kimchi jjigae. jjigae is like a stew, made with kimchi and other ingredients, such as onions, tofu, pork. If you drink alcohol too much, next morning kimchi jjigae is the answer. As I love alcohol, i eat it once a week. I strongly recommend you try it.